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Story Telling 1

The Wounded Papa Bear

One day there was a little girl, her name is Sinda, she walked around in the forest to go to her grandma's house for delivering food. On the way, she met a big papa bear that struggling because papa bear injured on his leg. She supprised and quickly run to help bear.

"Papa bear, are you okay?" Asked Sinda. "I'm okay, just leave me" Papa bear answered. Sinda knew that Papa bear hurt a lot. So she didn't believe his words, she kept on trying to help Papa Bear. She look around the forest to find something to help, but nothing can do.

Soon she torn her dress skirt to get a piece of clothes for cover Papa Bear wound. And she said "i just can do this to you, i hope it's enough". Then she walked to continue to her grandma's house.

She arrived to her grandma's house and gave the food to her grandma. Suddenly, the wheather got terrible. Big thunder shouted loudly. Sinda affraid Papa Bear will suffering a lot. Soon she said to her grandma that she has to do something.

"Where do you go? It will rain, just stay!" Her grandma worriedly said. But Sinda said that she has to do something to help the injured bear. And she run fast to the forest while the rain splash her.

But Papa Bear was not there anymore. She found a branch that has her clothes tied. She took it and cried because she worried a lot.
She bring that branch home and sadly said "Mom, i'm supposed to help him before but i just left him, and now he is gone, i really sorry about this".

While Sinda cried, her tears droped into the branch and suddenly the branch shining brightly, they both closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes Papa Bear is there and smile. He said "thank you for helping me, i just want to test you and find the people that has a kind heart, and you are the one".

Sinda very happy because Papa Bear still alive and now she has friend to play with everyday. They live together happily ever and ever.


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